Updated Thursday , June 30 , 2005
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APR Jun 2005
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creator / writer / artist /
webmaster / god


co-star / nutbag


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Filler Strip! Horay! ALlow me to introduce you to 'The Negative Series.' These are the offical filler strips for Fenix Gear. When something happens outside of the Fenix Gear storyline, it will take place in the negative strips. This summer will see a few of them. However, I was able to do this entire strip in one day, so I MIGHT be able to restart the Gear storyline sooner than expected (maybe...don't hold your breath).

Liam Neeson and Zoe were originally supposed to be in this strip, but were cut. If you want to see the original strip which included Liam Neeson (it's pretty much the same as the one above), feel free to e mail me and I will show you what almost was.

BTW: If you haven't see Batman, see it right now. Frodo says it's DYNOMITE!


Dear Diary,

I guess your not used to being posted online, are you. Well, let me explain. God (in the form of shake n' bake) commanded me in a dream, to post my adventures on the web. This will give people another view of my current situations (and a cheap way to do flashbacks) and update new comers to the webcomic. I'm not entirely sure what he meant by webcomic, but Shake n' Bake has never been wrong before. So what's going on right now? Well, it seems my life is unexplainably paused. I guess now is a good time to look at the archives and see how me and Zoe ended up in this horrible 24 parody. It's only 20 strips (technically 21), so you should breeze right through it. In any case, I'll talk to you soon. Me and Zoe are gonna go get a sandwhich I will most definitely spill on you later. Ciao!


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Fenix Gear created by Josh Breidbart. ©2004-2005
Website maintained by Josh Breidbart.